Le bistro des animaux kit
Most appropriate for ages 9-11
This is a story about three different animals, a lion, an elephant, and a mouse who, at the beginning of the story, are very proud of their own talents and dislike each other because of their differences. Louis la grenouille reappears in this story. He watches the animals and tries to find a solution to their arguments. He visits his friend, Alice l’Alligator in the bayou, who suggests that they try to get the animals to work together on a common project that they will all be able to enjoy. She suggests that they have the animals build a café. Louis and Alice visit each animal in turn, suggesting that each one help with the building. Each one agrees to help and in the last scene they are all working together on the building although each one does not know that the others are involved until they complete the project. At first they are upset but as each animal explains his/her contribution, they realize how important it is to appreciate rather than dislike one another for their differences. Louis and Alice join the group at the end as they help name the café, and finally all the animals look forward to enjoying it together!
It is a popular play with teachers and students from grade four to grade seven. It is full of emotional content, contains humour, and results in a happy ending with an important moral!
Enhance your kit with the following extras:
Manigan le géant- Reader
Manigan is a gentle giant and steward of the Earth who uses his bounty to aid those in need. He helps a couple of people who unfortunately take advantage of his kindness and eat up his stores of food. When the giant becomes weak, the couple realize that they have to give back to the one who has given them so much and they nurture Manigan back to health. This tale, which evokes First Nations wisdom, is a parable that reminds us of the need to treat our world with respect, and not just as something to be viewed as a resource for human consumption.
Story: Jacqueline Kelly
Illustrations: Jana Tublinshlak
Appropriate for ages: 7-12

Prince Veut-Tout- Reader
Prince Albert has been brought up in the lap of luxury. The more material goods he has the less satisfied he feels. Because of his greedy nature he becomes known as Prince Veut-Tout. One day, while speeding on his motorbike, he almost runs over an old man. This event triggers a sense of remorse in him and causes him to re-evaluate his life. One night, looking up at the stars, Prince Albert decides to become a space explorer. He heads off into the heavens in his spaceship. Years later, he returns to his home with his new-found alien friends.
Story: Jacqueline Kelly
Illustrations: Jana Tubinshlak
Appropriate for ages: 7-12